Friday, March 12, 2010


So there is this song I hate. Yes. I am a hater. That dumb song that starts out with all dumbness about how "tonight is going to be a good night". I don't even know the name of it. Trust me. It's dumb. It is non-sensicle, trendy, digitally driven and the type of song that would end up on a "K-tel sounds of 2010" five years from now. For me the song has no soul.

So yeah, I'm in Austin for SXSW and as much as I love the fest, I seem to have issues with the places I end up staying while I'm here. Case in point, this time around I rented this loft on 6th street. If you know Austin then you know I am smack dab in the middle of it. It should be awesome, right? One minor issue. The is located above a restaurant. Actually, it used to be above a restaurant. It is now above a bar. A bar that plays loud music. To be more specific, a bar that plays music with it's bass levels that can be registered on the Richter Scale.

It started at 10pm. Some of the lovelier moments occurred when the MC led the entire bar in a rendition of "Sweet Caroline" and Michael Jackson's Thriller (yes, the long version). Mostly, all I could hear was the "THUMP THUMP THUMP" of the bass for four hours. As two am started to be in sight and the "THUMP THUMP THUMP" was coming to an end, the beat changed to something eerily familiar. As I lay there in the last moments before sleep, I searched my musical memories. Beatles? Rockabilly? R.E.M?


The true hell of my night was that I fell asleep to "Tonight, is gonna be a good night".

I have 11 more nights of this.



Anonymous said...

Dude, you're in Austin? I'm there too! I'm staying on 6th st by some crappy bar with a terrible mix that has their base jacked up so I can't sleep at night.


Anonymous said...

One word, E-A-R-P-L-U-G-S. Just imagine you had a room mate that snored really loudly. Not that that ever happens...

Anonymous said...

I am sure their main service entrance for the electrical should be easily spotted. Follow that back to the power pole. Now get a rental car with airbags(make sure you get the collision damage waiver as well). I would say about 45mph should do it.

Anthony said...

It's called "I Gotta Felling" and it's by the Black Eyed Peas. Now you have as useless information as I do and feel my pain!!!

Grubzilla said...

Oh no! Is this in midtown Sac? Man I feel for you. I would probably be going nuts too!

Hey it was good to meet you last night at the tweetup!

Hope to see you around SacTown!
