Monday, October 12, 2009

New releases hitting the shelves this week

New releases hitting the shelves this week:

The Proposal- Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds and every obvious joke you've ever heard or seen. And still, the movie works.

Land of the Lost- Who the hell green lit this? The TV show was sci-fi, dark, and never spoke down to it's audience. Universal turned this into... a comedy? Really?

Drag Me To Hell- Sam Raimi is back doing what he does best. This is must see horror even if you are not a horror fan.

How To Be A Serial Killer- Check out my interview with Matthew Gary Gubler. N'uff said.

American Violet- The true story that changed the Texas judicial system.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe my computer is acting wonky, but I can't find the MGG interview you spoke about in your Sept blog posting. :(